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Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Bugzilla to cloud jira using local jira server

                                                                APPROACH -1

                        BUGZILLA TO CLOUD JIRA MIGRATION

·         Take backup from cloud Jira

1.      Convert all the next-gen projects to classic projects (As Below Step).

Note: Make sure before taking backup convert all the projects to classic.

2.      Create a backup for Jira Cloud

3.      To create a backup for cloud: Goto > Jira settings > System

4.      Click on IMPORT AND EXPORT section, click Backup manager.

5.      Under Backup for cloud, select Create backup for cloud.

6.      Tick the Include additional files option if you want to include issue attachments, user avatars, and project logos in the export.

7.      After the backup is complete, select Download backup file.

Note: Before click on backup make sure convert all Next-gen projects to class

·         Convert all the next-gen projects to classic projects

1.      create a new project, while creating select classic option and Scrum (or) Kanban type (Select Create project > Classic project > Kanban).

2.      After creating classic project, Goto > settings > system > Import&Export > backup option in Jira then you can see all next-gen projects. here for every project it will show two options move issues & delete project.

3.      Click on move issues it will redirect to new page with multiple options.

4.      Select Move Issues option and hit Next.

5.      Now select the project and issue type then map the project to newly created classic project and map the issue type as the project. (On the Select Projects and Issue Types screen, you'll need to select where the issues from your old project will go. Select a destination project and issue type and hit Next. This is the issue type that each issue in your old project will become in the new project.)

6.      On the final screen, click Confirm.

7.      Things to keep in mind if you migrate from next gen to classic

a.      Reports: Reports data won't be saved. Even though your issues will be retained, data for your project's Velocity and Burnup reports won't transfer over and will be lost.

b.      Story points estimation: This data will be lost. This is because the custom field that Jira uses to store estimates in classic projects (Story points) is different to the custom field used in next-gen projects (Story point estimate).

8. Things to keep in mind if you migrate from classic to next-gen

a.      Next-gen projects and classic projects are technically quite different, so a few things can break when you migrate from a classic software project to a next-gen software project. Here's what we know so far:

b.      Active sprints: Sprints in progress in your classic project won't move to your next-gen project. Issues that were in the active sprint in your classic project will be in the backlog of your next-gen project.

c.       Epic links: Links between epics and other issues (Story, Bugs, Tasks, etc...) in your classic project won't exist in your next-gen project. The issues themselves will still exist, but the links between them won't.

d.      Custom fields: These must be recreated in your new next-gen project.

e.      Story points estimation: This data will be lost. however, you'll be able to start using story points estimation by enabling the Estimation feature in your next-gen project.

f.        Reports: Data for your project's Velocity report won't be saved. The Velocity report will show that no points were completed in past sprints.

g.      Report history: All reporting history is lost in this migration process. The Burnup report and Velocity report won't be migrated.

9.      After the backup is complete, select Download backup file.

10.  This is the structure of file


·         activeobjects.xml

·         entities.xml

·         data

a.      attachments

b.      avatars

·         logos

Note: For instances with large backups (2GB or larger), we recommend importing any attachments separately. To do this:

·         Unzip your Jira Cloud backup file.

·         Move data and logos folder into a safe place.

·         Recompress the backup folder with the activeobjects.xml and entities.xml files only.

·         Restore to local Jira server

1.      Choose > Settings > System.

2.      Select Import & Export > Restore System to open the Restore Jira applications data from Backup page.

3.      Copy the file to Jira path (/var/Atlassian/application-data/Jira/import).

4.      Now on the filename just give backup filename that you saved or copied to that Jira path.

5.      Mention the license key of local Jira server (Goto > settings > select Applications > select Versions&Licence).

6.      Copy the license key and disable the outgoing mail option and click restore.

7.      If you are unzip the backup file and just restore the both .xml files then place the Attachments, Avatars and Logos to the directory where Jira can access them.
            8.      All the Attachments, Logos and Avatars you can directly copy those folders to below  

                   mentioned paths.

9.      PATHS: (Make sure that Jira has read and write permissions to this directory and its subdirectories.)

10.  Once everything is done restart local Jira and MySQL.

11. Log into your new Jira Server instance and change the password

12. Log in to your new Jira product, using the following credentials:

                                                              i.      Username: sysadmin

                                                             ii.      Password: sysadmin

13. Change the password immediately after logging in.

·         Import all the Bugzilla projects to local Jira using Bugzilla plugin

14.  Log in to JIRA

15.  Choose > settings > System > Select Import & Export > External System Import to open the Import external projects page.

16.  Select Bugzilla Plugin to open the Bugzilla Import Wizard.

17.  On the Bugzilla Import Wizard: Setup page, complete the following fields/options:
Bugzilla URL:
Specify credentials:
Database type:

18.  Click the Next button to proceed to the Setup project mappings step of the Bugzilla Import Wizard.

19.  On the Setup project mappings page, select which Bugzilla projects you wish to import into JIRA.

20.  Select the project from Bugzilla to import in Jira (here you can create new project name or choose existing project name).

21.  Click Next to map the custom fields and then map their values and click next.

22.  Once mapping is done click on Begin Import.

23.  After import, if you face any error just click on Download a detailed log then you can all the process and you can easily figure out the error.

·         Take the backup of local Jira server

24.  So, now all the  Jira cloud data and Bugzilla data are in local Jira server.

25.  Goto > settings > systems > import-export > backup.

26.  It will show you the filename option:

27.  Just mention filename (give any new name) it will create that file in Export directory.

28.  If you Goto this path (/var/Atlassian/application-data/Jira/export) you can see the backup file.

Now, backup file is ready then get attachments, avatars, logs from local Jira path  related folders then zip all the folders make as one zip file then upload that file to restore in  cloud Jira.

·         Restore backup file to cloud Jira

29.  Login to cloud Jira and choose > settings > system > import-export > restore.

30.  Download the final backup file from local Jira and upload to cloud jira to start restoring.

 Troubleshoot process for the errors while we faced in migration:

Ø  If you are facing this error while the process of uploading the backup file.

Ø  Rename the file with out any spaces or special characters then try again.

Ø  Java Heap Space Error:


1.      40,000 issues will import at a time by using space of 1GB.

2.      So, STO having around 1,40,000 issues. We increased the java heap space to around 8GB so that we can import all the projects at one go.

To increase heap space memory in Linux installations:

1.      In your <JIRA application installation directory>/bin (or <Tomcat Installation Directory>/bin for JIRA WAR installations), open the file.

2.      Find the sections JVM_MINIMUM_MEMORY= 


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